Vineyard Blooming!

In the last 2 weeks there has been an amazing change in the vineyard. From the dormant brown we have moved to the vibrant green of new growth.


New shoots from 8-12 inches are already grabbing onto the wires for support.

Needless to say, we all get excited about the blooms which are soon to be grape clusters. Even our 3 year old knows how to spot them!

Last year’s harvest was not as good as it could have been – extremely cold winter followed by extremely hot summer and punctuated by no rain. But this year is brand new and looks promising with the vines full of new blossoms – we are farmers!

Trying to control ourย excitementย is always a challenge; we must be realistic. There are plenty of thing that could happen between now and an abundant fall harvest. Right now we face the potentials for late frosts (last year our last was May 3) , thunderstorms full of hail and high winds (which can inhibit pollination or even blow the tender shoots right off the vine).

But this is the life that attracted my husband and me from the start … to have daily reminders of our complete dependence upon the Lord!


  1. Those look very promising! I understand wanting to contain your enthusiasm a bit-and how it would be a challenge!

  2. I’ve enjoyed watching the change in your vineyard. I’m praying for an abundant crop and the Lord’s continued blessings for your family.

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