Back Flips!
Our 13 year old son had a dream in which he could do back flips. Now, he is probably one of our most agile children. While living in Alabama, water skiing came very easily to him at a young age. But in this dream, not only could he do a back flip, but he started from a crouched position.
This dream led to a search for instructions on doing a back flip which led to a You Tube back flip tutorial. Practice began Friday evening -at my poohooing – I did not want to see any broken limbs, necks or other injuries. I even said I would not watch and did not want to hear any crying – just suffer in silence!
Well, my curiosity got the best of me.
Since the large round bale had fallen apart, Buttercup’s soft pile of hay is where it all began.
The two oldest men at home were the spotters. The 13 year old who started it all went first. The first step is to jump up.

Then you tuck.
Next, flip backwards.
Finally, land. In this step, you are suppose to land on your feet. I was just so glad it was not on his head!
It was much more difficult than the guys on You Tube made it look! After more tries, a couple of other children tried, all agreeing, the guys in the You Tube tutorial had not learned to do back flips in one afternoon as it appeared!
No one can yet do a back flip unaided but they will keep trying – Lord, please protect them!
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